Resource Node Enhancement
1. Expansion Dungeons will have a minimum of 4 Resource Nodes, including Gold
- Surveyed Mountains will automatically update their reports
This will not affect currently Occupied Dungeons, however Abandoning a Dungeon will place any additionally required Nodes
2. All Expansion Dungeons will have at least one Primordial or more rare Resource
- Surveyed Mountains will automatically update their reports
- Unoccupied Dungeons, that do not meet this standard, will automatically swap out a random node
Occupied Dungeons that do not meet this standard will offer the Occupying player the option to choose a node to swap out for a random Primordial. Players will be notified of this option each time they log into the Dungeon, only through the grace period (until June 12, 2013). The option will remain, however, players will no longer be notified after grace period ends.
- Abandoning a Dungeon will preserve the new node placement
- If a player opts not to swap out a node in an eligible Dungeon, any player that Occupies that Dungeon in the future, will have the option perform the swap.
3. Resource Nodes will now function as Mine Tiles in all Dungeons.
- Nodes cannot be looted
Advanced Player-Combat
1. Only Advanced Player-Combat enabled Dungeons will be able to send any kind of attack against other players, while attacks against Elven Settlements can be sent from any Dungeon
2. Players will receive a penalty to their overall Power on the leaderboards for Non-Advanced Player-Combat Dungeons. All Dungeons will be considered Non-Advanced Player-Combat during the Grace Period, unless manually enabled.
3. Non-Advanced Player-Combat Dungeons will have measures in place to assist them in attacks from Advanced Player-Combat enabled Dungeons
- Defending Creatures in Dungeons that are not Advanced Player-Combat enabled will not die, instead they will escape. After the the Raid, the Creatures will return with 50% of their health and all levels intact. This does not apply to Elven Retaliations. Non-Advanced Player-Combat Dungeons cannot be Pillaged or Conquered
- 100% base damage bonus against Advanced Player-Combat attacks
4. Some Dungeons will be automatically enabled as Advanced Player-Combat
- Players will receive a warning when attempting to Occupy a Dungeon that is automatically Advanced Player-Combat enabled
There will be a grace period before qualifying Dungeons are enabled (June 12, 2013)
- Players can manually enable the Dungeon as Advanced-Player Combat before the grace period ends. However, once the Dungeon has been Advanced Player-Combat enabled this cannot be reverted
- Players may also choose to abandon the Dungeon to avoid Advanced Player-Combat
5. Dungeons that are Advanced Player-Combat Enable by default will be vulnerable to all attack types, and will be clearly labeled. Dungeons that will be automatically enabled as Advanced Player-Combat include:
- The Heart of the Mountain will always be Advanced Player-Combat enabled. Once a player fully immerses themselves in the Campaign Game, by Occupying a Heart, leveling the Mountain Upgrade to 5, all Dungeons will become Advanced Player-Combat enabled. Players will be warned when they approach Level 5. This will exclude the Starter, which may remain Non-Advanced Player-Combat enabled, even if player Occupies a Heart, and levels the Underworld Stonegating Upgrade to 5.
Inactive Dungeons. When the owner of an Inactive Dungeon returns, that Dungeon will revert back to not being Advance Player-Combat enabled, if they did not previously enable it.
Dungeons with premium Resources:
- Dungeons that contain a Three or more Common Resources
- Dungeons that contain two Common Resources and one Uncommon Resource
- Dungeons that contain two or more Uncommon Resources
- Dungeons that contain one or more Rare or Very Rare Resources
Dungeons with premium Resources:
Each Resource tier has been given a number rating.
Players can easily determine if a Dungeon will become automatically flagged as Advanced Player-Combat
if the Resource Nodes in their Dungeon have a combined rating of six, or greater.
The Basic Resources in Dungeon Overlord, are the following:
Basic Resources have a rating of 0, and no effect on determining an Advanced Player-Combat enabled Dungeon
The Common Resources in Dungeon Overlord, are the following:
Common Resources have a rating of 2
Primordial Earth
Primordial Fire
Primordial Ice
Primordial Water
The Uncommon Resources in Dungeon Overlord, are the following:
Uncommon Resources have a rating of 3
Deep Ochre
Dense Basalt
The Rare Resources in Dungeon Overlord, are the following:
Rare Resources have a rating of 6
Shallow Mantle
Mithril Ore
The Very Rare Resources in Dungeon Overlord, are the following:
Very Rare Resources have a rating of 6
Abyssal Mantle
Adamantine Ore
Heart of the Earth
6. Abandoning and Conquering Advanced Player-Combat enabled Dungeons, that are not automatically enabled, will yield different results
- If the Dungeon is Abandoned, it will revert to Non-Advanced Player-Combat.
- Only Advanced Player-Combat Dungeons can be Conquered. A Dungeon that is Conquered will remain Advanced Player-Combat enabled
7. Players can enable any Dungeon as Advanced Player Combat
- This is done from the Vault menu or Mountain View in the Overworld
- Players will be asked to confirm the decision, as it cannot be reverted
8. Advanced Player-Combat enabled Starter Dungeons can be Pillaged (But Not Conquered)
- Starter Dungeons can now be Abandoned
- If a player’s Starter Dungeon is Abandoned, items that are generally applied to the Starter Dungeon by default, will instead be found in their oldest Dungeon
- If a player has no Dungeons, they will be given a new Starter Dungeon
9. Conquering has been made easier
- A second Sapper Bed will now be available. It only needs to be placed in the Level 3 Prison, and allows 5 levels of Sapper training. It will attract the same Sapper Creature
- The Sapper will still need to be at least level 11 to participate in a Conquer attack, however the cost of leveling the Sapper has been reduced
- To Craft the second Sapper Bed, and to be eligible to Conquer non-Heart of the Mountain Dungeons, players will now only need to Research the Overlord’s Influence Technology
- The materials required to Craft the second Sapper Bed will be less than the original Bed
- Researching the Conquest Part Technology will provide Sappers with a +25% Hit Point Boost
10. When sending an Advanced Player-Combat attack, against another Dungeon, players will be able to choose a specific entrance, or use the default chosen
11. Players can set Creatures to guard specific Rooms, this will also apply for Elven Retaliations
- Players can apply guard options in the Creature panel with the “Guard” button
- There cannot be more defending Creatures assigned to a room than there are Room Tiles
12. Reinforcement rules have changed
- Players can only Reinforce from an Advanced Player-Combat enabled Dungeon
- Non-Advanced Player-Combat enabled Dungeons may receive Reinforcements, but only up to half of the maximum population
Campaign Game
1. Conquest Party Technology will be required to Occupy or Conquer the Heart of the Mountain
2. Lord of the Mountain Technology has been renamed Lord of the Underworld. This Technology will be required for Occupying or Conquering a Crag, Rift, and Obsidian Spire
- The Crag, Rift, and Obsidian Spire will take a Dungeon Slot, and will function much like the Heart of the Mountain.
- The Crag, Rift, and Obsidian Spire can be conquered in the same way as a regular Dungeon, requiring a Sapper, and reduction of control points
- Peacetime will not be applied to Crags, Rifts, Obsidian Spires, or Hearts that have 5 or more Levels of Underworld Stonegating.
3. To be Eligible to participate, Alliances must have fewer than 200 total members
4. To progress in the Campaign Game, Alliances will need to first Occupy the Regional Crag
To be eligible to Occupy the Crag, the Alliance must have a minimum of 400 total levels of the Underworld Stonegating Mountain Bonus in their Occupied Mountain Hearts, in the same Region as the Crag they wish to Occupy
- When you leave an Alliance, you take your Levels of Stonegating with you.
- If a player Abandons a Heart, the Mountain retains all of the Levels of Underworld Stonegating. The next Overlord to Occupy it would apply the Levels to their Alliance.
- If the Heart is Conquered, it loses 25% of the Levels of Underworld Stonegating. (The other Upgrades in the Mountain, are reduced to half of the Level they have been Upgraded to.)
- Inactive Overlords who Occupy a Heart, and are members of an Alliance, will apply the Levels of Underworld Stonegating to their Alliance total.
- If the Alliance has entered the Crag, Rift, or Spire, and Mountain Hearts owned by Alliance members are Conquered or Abandoned, they will not be removed from the advanced locations, even if dropping below the required 400 Levels of Underworld Stonegating. However, they will need to regain the Levels if they are removed from the Crag, in order to reoccupy.
- If a Player pledges Loyalty to a King of a Mountain, and if the King is a member of an Alliance that has enough levels of Stonegating, those loyal players can Reinforce or attack the Crag
- The Crag will increased storage capabilities
- The Crag, as part of the Overworld, may Attack, Ship to, and Reinforce other Crags and Dungeons. It is the direct link to the Rift in the Underworld
- Other Alliances who have 400 total levels of the Underworld Stonegating Mountain Bonus, in their Occupied Mountain Hearts, in the same Region as the Crag, can attack the Crag, and attempt to Conquer it from the Occupying Alliance
- The Alliance must level the Underworld Stonegating Bonus in the Crag to 40 to proceed in the Campaign Game
5. After an Alliance Occupies a Regional Crag and achieves 40 levels of Underworld Stonegating in the Crag, they can attempt to Occupy a Continental Rift
- The Rift will have increased storage capabilities
- Other Alliances who have 40 total levels of the Underworld Stonegating Bonus, in an Occupied Crag, on the same Continent as the Rift, can attack the Rift, and attempt to Conquer it from the Occupying Alliance
- The Rift cannot Attack, Ship to, or Reinforce Crags or Dungeons in the Overworld. Only the Obsidian Spire can be Attacked, Shipped to, or accept Reinforcements from the Rift.
- If a Player pledges Loyalty to a King of a Mountain, and if the King is a member of an Alliance that has enough levels of Stonegating, those loyal players can Reinforce or attack the Rift
- The Alliance must level the Underworld Stonegating Bonus in the Rift to 40 to proceed in the Campaign Game
6. The final part of the Campaign game is the Occupation of the Obsidian Spire
- The Obsidian Spire will have increased storage capabilities
- Other Alliances who have 40 total levels of the Underworld Stonegating Bonus, in an Occupied Rift, can attack the Spire, and attempt to Conquer it from the Occupying Alliance
- If a Player pledges Loyalty to a King of a Mountain, and if the King is a member of an Alliance that has enough levels of Stongating, those loyal players can Reinforce or attack the Obsidian Spire
- The Obsidian Spire cannot Attack, Ship to, or Reinforce Rifts, Crags or Dungeons.
The Alliance must level the Dominion Bonus in the Spire to 40 to officially win the Campaign game
- Players will earn an ingame medal declaring they were in an Alliance that conquered the world
- The Server world will be renamed for the current controlling Alliance, pending approval
- Other to-be-determined rewards
7. The Crag, Rift, and Obsidian Spire will collect Taxes
- Currently, the Heart of the Mountain Collects Taxes from the loyal Dungeons, in that Mountain, at whatever rate they choose
- The Tax Rates for the Crag, Rift, and Spire are set at a predetermined amount of 10% for the Crag and Rift, and 40% for the Spire
- These Taxes are all collected from a central location, and filtered to the storage of their destination
- Taxes are collected in the Crag, Rift, and Obsidian Spire regardless of Loyalty or Alliance affiliation
The Lord of the Mountain will be the Tax collector. When they log into the Heart of the Mountain, they will click the Tax chest, to collect from their loyal Dungeons
- This collection will automatically filter 10% of the Tax collected, based on the Rate the King has set, to the Crag in that Region
- 10% of the Tax sent to the Crag, will be sent to the Rift on that Continent
- 40% of the tax sent to the Rift, will be sent to the Obsidian Spire
8. For travel and Occupation in the Campaign Game, Alliances must meet certain qualifications
- To Occupy a Rift, an Alliance must control a Crag on the same Continent
- To travel to a Continental Rift, an Alliance must control a Crag on the same Continent as the Rift, or a Crag/Rift pair on another Continent
- To travel from a Continental Rift to a Region in the Overworld, your Alliance must control a Crag in that Region
- To travel to the Spire, an Alliance must control a Crag/Rift pair
- Items stored in Crags, Rifts, and the Obsidian Spire cannot be listed on the Regional Market
Mountain, Overworld, and Underworld
1. Many features have been adjusted in preparation for the Lord of the Underworld Update
- In Mountain View, all Dungeons will now be depicted with one shape and skull type. The Heart of the Mountain will have its own design
- Players will be unable to Occupy a Dungeon they have not Surveyed
- Four new Join-a-Friend locations have been added to each Mountain
- Using the option to Relocate Starter will allow players to use the Join-a-Friend locations. An anonymous icon will appear when a relocation has been initiated. It will take 24 hours for a relocation to complete.
- Players can now visit the Underworld, after they have Researched the Lord of the Underworld Technology, from the World panel in the Overworld. A player who is part of an Alliance who has Occupied a Crag will also be able to access the Underworld from the Overlord’s Ledger
- Loot Chests, dropped by Elven Retaliations, that would have appeared in Entrances, will now appear in the Vault. This prevents them from being unintentionally hidden.
- Advanced combat Rooms, Arena and Spellcasting Chamber cannot exist in Non-Advanced Player-Combat Dungeons, including Starters. Additionally, since the Coven requires a Spellcasting Chamber, it will also be considered an Advanced combat Room. Players that have these Rooms in Dungeons that are not automatically flagged as Advanced Player-Combat enabled, will have a grace period (Until June 12, 2013) where they can choose to enable their Dungeon as Advanced Player-Combat, or remove the corresponding Room Tiles
- The Thief has been adjusted. If multiple Thieves are sent on a mission, they will all attempt to disarm traps between the entrance and the goal, at the same time. Traps that are being disarmed will not fire. If more Thieves are available, than eligible traps, additional Thieves will engage in combat. Thieves will also attempt to disengage from combat, and restealth, when possible.
- The Succubus will now have more opportunities to use her Charm ability. Only humanoids can be charmed. Once charmed, the target will cease all actions until either they, or the Succubus, take damage.
- Death Knights will now use their Frenzy special ability more appropriately causing additional damage
- Orcs and Ogres will react more efficiently when allies call for help
- Overworld travel time has been reduced to four hours to travel between Regions, and ten hours to travel between Continents for Dungeons that have a Level 2 Portal Room or Coven. This only applies to non-combat travel. Creatures sent on Raids, Pillages, Spy Missions, and Conquers will travel at normal speed.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Will my currently Occupied Dungeon receive additional Nodes if they have less than 4?
5. What criteria must a Dungeon meet to be automatically Advanced Player-Combat enabled?
6. How do I tell if one of my Dungeons has Premium Resources?
7. Which Dungeons can be manually flagged as Advanced Player-Combat?
8. What happens if I flag my Starter as Advanced Player-Combat?
9. What Changes have been made to Conquering?
10. How does an Alliance Capture a Regional Crag?
11. How does an Alliance Capture a Continental Rift?
12. How does an Alliance Capture the ObsidianSpire?
13. How will Taxes work in the end game?
14. How will the Crag, Rift, and Obsidian Spire be affected by Peacetime
15. Why has my power changed on the Leaderboard?
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