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Escape From the Succubus!

This Week:
May 17th-May 23rd!

Escape From the Succubus!

Your most valuable Creature is a target! The Overlord Succubus has been taking notes, and being the jealous type, is coming to take it out. Your only chance of protecting your champion is to change its name!

For this Sweepstakes, one Overlord will be awarded prizes worth $50.00 (USD),
including a $25.00 Amazon.com gift card and 250 Dungeon Marks™.

To enter, Overlords must change the name of any Creature to escape the Overlord Succubus!

Changing the name of any Creature between
12:00 am CDT May 17th and 11:59 pm CDT May 23rd,
will be an entry.

This is an Official Dungeon Overlord Event for all server worlds!
Get the details below!

The Prize Package will be awarded to one Overlord across all server worlds

A single name will be randomly selected from all of the entrants, across all server worlds,
this player will receive:

  • One $25.00 Amazon.com Gift Card, to be delivered via email
  • 250 Dungeon Marks, to be applied on the server world of their preference

To Rename A Creature:

  1. Open the Creature panel, from the right side of the game screen
  2. Choose the Creature to be renamed
  3. Select the Rename option from the menu on the lower right of the panel
  4. This will display a dialog, you can type a new name in this box
      Please note that due to limitations of Flash, the keyboard will not function in fullscreen.

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