We are looking for the Alliance that can create the highest level Ghost! Players can begin spawning Ghosts fairly early into their Dungeon Overlord™ experience, and they make a great addition to a Raid. The question is; how big can you go? The Alliances that have the highest level Ghosts in their membership, will win great prizes! This will rely on one Overlord to foster the Ghost, and a lot of Support!
Players on all Dungeon Overlord server worlds are invited to begin their Ghostly Training on Friday! Beginning on Friday, October 25, 2013 at 12:00 a.m. CDT (1:00 a.m. EDT, 6:00 a.m. GMT) only the highest level Ghost from each Alliance will be counted. The Training will continue for seven days, until Thursday, October 31, 2013 at 11:59 p.m. CDT (12:59 a.m. EDT, 5:59 a.m. GMT).
When the week is over, the less-than-friendly Ghosts' levels will be counted, and the Alliances that come out with the highest level Ghosts to their name will be awarded prizes on each server world
- 3 Demon Marker Recipes, 2 Demon Stone Recipes, and 1 Death Monument Recipe
- 75,000 Gold, 10,000 Primordial Ice, 5,000 Primordial Earth, 2,500 Moonstone, 1,500 Quicksilver, 150 Ashen Stone, 150 Crystite, 100 Goblin Twine, and 50 Cold Iron Ingot!
- Only Ghosts spawned after the starting date and time will be counted
- If an Overlord who is not in an Alliance achieves one of the top 3 Ghosts on the server, the prize package will be given to that single Overlord
- If an Alliance has more than one Ghost that would qualify for the top 3, only the highest level Ghost will be accepted
- Alliances will be determined by membership at the end of the contest