Overlords aren't exactly known for their fair ruling or rational decision making. The Elves should be quite aware of this, by now, and know making comments about their joyful lives is going to lead to our wrath. If watching the Overworld burn isn't enough incentive, there are greater rewards for your efforts!
Players on Classic and Infernal Abyss are invited to begin their all-out assault on Monday! Beginning on Monday, December 10, 2012 at 12:00 a.m. CST (1:00 a.m. EST, 6:00 a.m. GMT) each Elven Settlement Razed will be counted. This will continue for 7 days, until Sunday, December 16, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. CST (12:59 a.m. EST, 5:59 a.m. GMT).
When the dust has settled and their crispy Elven homes are tallied, rewards will be given to the participating Overlords, on each server world! The number of Settlements that need to be Razed, to meet each goal, is server wide. This is not an individual or Alliance Challenge, it's for everyone, on every Continent, in every Region, on the entire server. So work together, and march forth to battle!
- To earn 25,000 Gold, Overlords on Infernal Abyss must Raze a combined total of 3300 Settlements in seven days.
- To earn 25 Crystite, 5 Mana Sparks, and 50,000 Gold, Overlords on Infernal Abyss must Raze a combined total of 3700 Settlements in seven days.
- To earn 24 hours of free Pay Days, 24 hour Boost extension, 100 Diamonds, 5 Mithril Ingots, and 75,000 Gold, Overlords on Infernal Abyss must Raze a combined total of 5000 Settlements in seven days.
- To earn 25,000 Gold, Overlords on Classic must Raze a combined total of 550 Settlements in seven days.
- To earn 25 Crystite, 5 Mana Sparks, and 50,000 Gold, Overlords on Classic must Raze 650 a combined total of Settlements in seven days.
- To earn 24 hours of free Pay Days, 24 hour Boost extension, 100 Diamonds, 5 Mithril Ingots, and 75,000 Gold, Overlords on Classic must Raze 800 a combined total of Settlements in seven days.
- Razing an Elven Settlement requires it to be attacked several times until all items are looted, and Elves are killed. At that time, the Settlement will be burned to the ground, and will respawn over the next 24 hours.
- The Razing requirements are based on a percentage of historical data.
- Overlords will be given updates throughout the week regarding their progress towards the goals.
- Overlords who wish to participate must have created their Dungeon Overlord account on, or before, Monday, December 3, 2012.
- The rewards do not compound, if one of the later tiers is achieved, only the rewards listed at that level will be applied.