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Taking it to the Next Level

This Week:
Apr 19th-Apr 25th!

Taking It To The Next Level!

Your Level is more than just a number! As you progress in Dungeon Overlord you gain more knowledge, experience, and power. This week, you can put that to work, and earn some great prizes!

This is an Official Dungeon Overlord Event for Classic, Infernal Abyss, Necropolis, and Annihilation!
Overlords Raiding a number of Elven Settlements, equal or greater to their Level, will earn Mithril, Diamonds, Gold and more!

Overlords at Level 20 must Raid at least 20 Settlements; Level 42 must Raid at least 42; 87 must Raid at least 87, and so on

Also, the Overlord from each server world who Raids the most Settlements will be awarded 50 Dungeon Marks™!
Get the details below!

Rewards for participating scale based on your level

Each Server World
Every Player Who Raids their Level in Settlements will receive each of the following

  • Mithril. This will be awarded at 2 times your Level. A Level 10 Player will receive 20 Mithril.
  • Diamonds. This will be awarded at 5 times your Level. A Level 10 Player will receive 50 Diamonds
  • Crystal. This will be awarded at 100 times your Level. A Level 10 Player will receive 1,000 Crystal
  • Iron. This will be awarded at 100 times your Level. A Level 10 Player will receive 1,000 Iron.
  • Gold. This will be awarded at 100 times your Level. A Level 10 Player will receive 1,000 Gold.
  • Shortly after the event ends, the rewards will be distributed in the Vault of your Starter Dungeon.

Each Server World
The top Raider, on each Server World, will receive an additional reward!

  • 50 Dungeon Marks
  • These will automatically be applied to your account, on the platform you won on.

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