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Overlording Opportunities!



More Overlording Opportunities!

A number of new features have been added to the Infernal Abyss and Necropolis Dungeon Overlord server worlds in the October 30 Update. Each of the following sections should give additional details on these systems.

Survey Entire Mountain

Players can easily Survey an entire Mountain. This Shop option allows a minimum of one Goblin to be sent, and Survey all Dungeons that are not currently occupied, and haven’t been previously Surveyed by the player. The more Goblins that are sent to Survey, the more quickly the task will complete.

Players can Survey an entire Mountain by selecting a Mountain, and choosing the icon on the lower right side of the panel. The next panel will tell players how many Dungeons have been surveyed in the Mountain. They will be able to choose the Dungeon to send the Survey from, and the number of Goblins to send.

Relocate Starter Dungeon

Players may now Relocate their Starter Dungeon to a more convenient location. Players may select a Starter Dungeon slot, that is not Occupied. If the player has the appropriate Technologies, the target location may be in other Regions or Continents. The Join-a-Friend locations, on the outside of the Starter Dungeon row, are not eligible target locations.

Once a new Dungeon is selected, the menu on the left side of the Mountain View will display an option to Relocate Dungeon. Players will have the ability to Relocate their Starter Dungeon instantly, with a purchase from the Shop. We are hoping to be able to offer this feature for Expansion Dungeons in the future.

Room Upgrades

Previously, the Rooms in Dungeon Overlord achieved their maximum bonuses at Level 5. This new system allows players to Upgrade more frequently, with fewer Resources, while receiving benefits more often. Now, Rooms in Dungeon Overlord can be Upgraded to a maximum of Level 21. The Resources required to get to level 21, will be similar to what it took to get to Level 5 previously. Similarly, bonuses given will now just be incremental. This will allow players to gradually spend Resources and receive bonuses more often.

Rather than increasing in size every Level, Rooms will now require additional Tiles every five levels.
Level 2 will require a 2×2 Room
Level 7 will require a 3×3 Room
Level 12 will require a 4×4 Room
Level 17 will require a 5×5 Room

Players who already have Rooms built, will have them Upgraded to their current Level equivalent.
Level 2 Rooms will become Level 6
Level 3 Rooms will become Level 11
Level 4 Rooms will become Level 16
Level 5 Rooms will become Level 21

Prerequisites have also been adjusted for this new system. Situations that require Rooms to be Upgraded to a certain level, before they can be carried out, will now require Levels 6, 11, 16, and 21. Some things that happen early in the Tutorial do not follow this rule. For instance, a Coarse Mat will only require a Level 2 Den.

We hope you find this blog informative and as always, we encourage you to check out our forums here: http://forum.dungeonoverlord.com and our Facebook Fanpage here: .

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