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Overlord’s Assistant

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Details about the new "Overlord's Assistant" feature!

Are you spending hours every day planning and playing Dungeon Overlord™? Do you wish you could schedule tasks for your Goblins to do, while you are away? Do you want one easy interface to manage all of your Dungeons? Read on! The Overlord's Assistant is here to help!

Wisdom and Allies

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Details about the New Quest System and Alliance Features!

Rebuilding an evil empire, from the ground up, takes two key elements: wisdom and allies. Dungeon Overlord™ knows these facts, and is ready to provide you with better tools for world domination.

  • The Quest System has been redesigned to provide more information, and to give Overlords solid direction through their crusade for


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Update News for Feb 2, 2011

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Dungeon Overlord Update News for February 2nd, 2011

Dungeon Overlord’s™ Update for February 2, includes a number of exciting new features. The improvement to the Combat Artificial Intelligence is the most expansive. Details on that, can be found HERE. https://dungeonoverlord.com/blog/combat-ai/ Additionally, we are very excited about a few other features, including Daily Quests, Consecutive Login Reward, and Spying. We’d like to

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Combat AI

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Details about the new Combat AI System!

UPDATE: The publish on Feb. 2nd, 2012 was only one step on the process to new and improved AI.
SPECIAL NOTE re: Thieves: Thieves are very different in this new AI system, they cannot be used to simply "sneak in and steal". Instead they try to disarm traps, and then act as


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